We Love The 80's
A Decade Not to be Forgotten
As a person who grew up in the 80’s, it feels as though they were a hundred years ago now. For me, the 80’s were an exciting time to be alive we had totally rad music, clothing, and culture. Girls Just Wanted to Have Fun while looking Pretty in Pink. The boys were looking fresh with our pegged jeans, Members Only jackets, and spike hair cuts.
We got to witness the very first VHS camcorders, laser discs, and the Walkman cassette player. Our custom playlist were made by taking an old cassette tape, taping over the slots on top, and recording music from the radio. We would call in an request our favorite songs, and sometimes dedicate that song to the boy or girl we were crushing on. The first ever movie I watched on VHS was a comedy called DC Cab, and it starred Gary Busey and Mr. T.
Whenever we received our first Atari for Christmas I can remember sitting in front of a 13in color tv wearing a pair of Spiderman underoos playing Pac-Man for hours at a time. Saturday mornings were spent watching cartoons from around 6am until almost noon with my favorite ones being The Transformers, G.I Joe, Johnny Quest, and Speed Racer. After cartoons I would go ride a Huffy BMX bicycle for the remainder of the afternoon.
Schoolhouse Rock re-runs taught us about the legislative process with “I’m Just a Bill” and we learned about the sciences through a show on PBS called 3–2–1 Contact.
Often times I used to laugh at my parents for reminiscing about the 50’s and what a great time it was to be alive. As I get older I am learning to appreciate what they were talking about. I genuinely feel bad for the children of today because there is very little excitment left in the world.
We were lucky enough to experience the excitement of so many new things that were introduced to the consumer like cell phones and personal computers. Groundbreaking technology paved the way for what we have now.
Unfortunately, for the children of today all they get to experience are updated versions of ideas that have been around since the 70’s and 80’s. I suppose like everything else 80’s related now this article can be filed under vintage or old school.