Two Birds from Ben Dalby
Ben Dalby is a genius! His latest single release Two Birds is a living testament to his creativity. The first thing that caught my attention was the absolutely beautiful artwork. It has to be one of the most stunning single covers I have seen thus far. Pia Ravenari is responsible for this amazing piece of art be sure to click her name and visit her shop.
I love the concept of the video for Two Birds. The use of claymation makes it a great addition to already great song. Animator Owen Fullerton, spent countless hours creating hundreds of scenes all of which were hand modeled using modelling clay, tinfoil, driftwood, and paper.
Two Birds is lyrically flawless with its quirky upbeat take on falling in love with someone. The overall melody is certain to capture the attention of fans of groups like Flaming Lips, or 80s great Talking Heads. From a production standpoint, the single was recorded at Backroom Studios of Southampton,UK with Ben Dalby and Luke Targett as co-producers. Co-writing credit goes to Mojo Billington and Jodie Elms acting as vocal director.
I really think anyone that listens to Two Birds will instantly fall in love with it just as I have. Be sure to save it to your playlist and share it everywhere.