Purple EP from Vic Brando
Whenever it comes to marketing and branding, colors will often play a more important role than most people realize. Think of brands that have captured your attention.Twitter, PayPal,and Skype just to name a few have used the color blue. You’re probably looking this logos up, and asking yourself why blue. Colors play an integral part psychologically in fact certain colors evoke a strong subliminal response. The color blue is used to represent confidence and technology, but more importantly it is used because who doesn’t like the color blue.
I am not sure if naming his 3 song EP Purple and using the color of purple in the artwork was intentional, or not. The color purple itself is often times symbolic of wisdom, royalty, and creativity. Think about the streaming platform Twitch, what color is its logo? Purple, a platform designed for creative minds.
Enough psychology of color branding. The creativity that was put it in to Vic’s Purple EP is the equivalent to that of a painting by the great Salvador Dali. I say this because listening to each of the tracks is an aural journey. Vic’s passion and creativity really shine. There is a wisdom to the EP that plays well to the listener’s ears. Some of the tracks are uptempo while others are more slower tempo making this a truly relaxing EP to just plug into and enjoy the chill vibe.
The track Whitewater is probably the most chill of them all. It feels like a night in Paris overlooking the city with a nice cabernet. I can picture this being the soundtrack playing in the background while I stand on a balcony admiring the way the city sparkles, and losing myself in thought.
Doors is probably my favorite and this is because it has an industrial sound, while still remaining true to the pop/new wave synth sound. Think 80s band Tears for Fears meets 90s movie Hackers. Vocally Vic is damn near identical to the 80s new wave synth legends. There is a gradual build-up in the opening few seconds of the song, then out of nowhere it just takes off. This element combined with the vocals is what helps this to be the stand-out track of the EP.
What I like so much about this entire EP is that it takes on serious life altering issues such as gas lighting and self-harm/suicide. The track “Only One” speaks of the problems associated whenever one person gas lights another and the track “Doors” takes more of a conversational tone between two people. One person being suicidal, and the other wanting to help them but unaware of how to begin the conversation. As fun as I think the EP is, I think that it is great that Vic is using his creativity to help bring awareness to mental health issues that plague our society around the world.
Be sure to follow Vic on social media, stream this thoughtful and creative EP, and share it everywhere. Please give our Spotify account and playlists a follow too. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.